About ĐH Công nghệ Thông tin TPHCM English 1569864258_resume.pdf

  • Languages  English
  • Old Provinces  Hồ Chí Minh
  • Viewed 4

About me

Anh Nguyen
Phone: +8493.782.5167
Email: mr.anhnv.92@gmail.com
Skype: anh.nguyen.92
Have more than 4 years of experience in developing frontend:
● Expertise in developing front-end applications with JavaScript, Bootstrap, HTML, XML,
CSS, Jquery, REST APIs, socketio, rabbitmq.
● Have experience in mobile app development (analytical, design and problem-solving).
● Knowledge of developing applications with Android Native, Titanium, React Native,
● Experience with offline storage: Realm, Sqlite.
● Experience with Redux, Redux Thunk, Redux Saga and relative libs.
● Experience with the publishing process for Apple and Google app stores.
● Ability to follow the product design.
● Ability to communicate well and regularly with clients.
● Ability to work with: Git, Svn, Jira, Redmind.
● Ability to work with operating systems: Windows, Mac OS, Linux.
● Report writing: Word, Excel, Power Point.
● Vietnamese ​mother tongue
● English ​medium
Tesu Tech Joint Stock, Ho Chi Minh City​ – Mobile Developer, Business Analytics
A start-up company. ​I’m a first developer of this company, a business analytics and also a leader. The project’s goal is to build a system to ​manage advertising on taxi, to upgrade the traditional advertising system to to a higher level with technical.

My work mainly includes but not limited to followings:
● Offer​ technical advices and solutions​ to build the system.
● Prepare an agenda for the weekly meeting.
● Write meeting minutes, write report to CEO.
● Manage tasks and deadline of teams.

● Meet customers, partners to learn more about business and find new ideas for the project.
● Work with team to create two website for customer and admin to manage advertising campaign on taxi using ​Angularjs​.
● Using ​Java​ to create an android application to tracking GPS for tablet on taxi.
● Using ​React Native ​to create a cross platform application for drivers.
● Using ​Java​ to create an android aplication to control videos ads base on location, point, ratio…

Tech stacks:
XML, CSS, Javascript, Java, Jira, Git, ​React Native, React, Angularjs, ​Android, Titanium, retrofit2(retrofit, converter-gson), Firebase, Picasso.
JUNE 2017 – NOV 2017
Freelance​ – Mobile Developer, Business Analytics
Work as a frontend developer, a ​business analytics​. Build systems structures , build cross platform (or android native) apps and websites for 3 companies.

My work mainly includes but not limited to followings:
● Using Java (Android Native) to create two android aplications. Aplications provide free gifts for Steam users, users can accumulate points to redeem Dota 2 items, CSGO items, Overwatch items, Hero of Storm items, LOL skins​.
● Using React Native create an aplication that help sellers, managers, directors manage cars status, customers info and staffs, also help them create a plan: car warranty, sell car, customer appointment….
● Offer ​technical advices and solutions​ for other teams to create a system: manage advertising campaign, cars status (GPS, decal…).
● Implement applications with push notification, social login, Google Admob, Facebook
Audience and more.

Tech stacks:
XML, CSS, Javascript, Java, Jira, Git, ​React Native, React, ​Android, Titanium, retrofit2(retrofit, converter-gson),
Firebase, Picasso.
DEC 2015 – MAY 2017
Viet Link Advertising, Ho Chi Minh City​ – Mobile Developer
A start-up company from Japan. ​I’m a first developer of this company and I work as a mobile developer on a new project. ​The app delivers thousands of exclusive deals, vouchers and gifts
3 from many famous brands to people from all over VietNam. Work closely with designers , backend team, front end web team to complete the project.

My work mainly includes but not limited to followings:
● Implement the client side with Titanium and Android Native​.
● Implement applications with push notification, video player, tracking, social login, scan and create QR code, map and more.
● Work with designer and sale team to correct the design.
● Training junior front end developers.

Tech stacks:
XML, CSS, Javascript, Java, Appcelerator Studio, Jira, Git, Android, Titanium, retrofit2(retrofit, converter-gson), GCM, GA, ANTS, Tune, Zxing, Gmap, Picasso.
MAR 2015 – DEC 2015
TMA Solutions, Ho Chi Minh City​ – Front End Engineer
A big oursourcing company in Ho Chi Minh city. Work as a software developer in a frontend team. I work with my team to complete the requirements of customers, support other teams to complete new features or solve problems.

My work mainly includes but not limited to followings:
● Implement applications with Titanium or Android Native.
● Implement clients side with Gmap, Facebook login, Calendar events, Restful apis.
● Work with customers to clarify requirements.
● Work in a team environment with shared code, source code control and process documentation.

Tech stacks:
XML, CSS, Javascript, Appcelerator Studio, Redmine, SVN, Android, Titanium.
SEP 2010 – JUN 2015
The University of Information Technology, Ho Chi Minh City​- Engineer
I finish my Computer Network & Communication engineer degree in ​Information Technology university. During this time, I joined mobile club and system security club.


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